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Clarus Risk Develops Software-as-a-Service Platform for Regulatory Risk Reporting

14 March 2023

MathsWork has published a report about the Software-as-a-Service Platform for Regulatory Risk Reporting developed by Clarus Risk.

Clarus engineers used MATLAB to develop the company’s flagship RiskMonitor® platform for risk reporting, obtaining results such as days-long liquidity stress tests completed in minutes, rapid response to market changes enabled and a competitive differentiator created.

Developed in MATLAB®, Clarus Risk has created a platform which automates data collection from investment counterparties such as fund administrators, applies asset-class and portfolio risk analytics, and generates risk reports customized for each client.

Max Hilton, Managing Director at Clarus Risk says that “With MATLAB and MATLAB Report Generator, we have combined object-oriented development, automated data processing, sophisticated risk models, and highly customized production reports in a single, highly efficient solution.”

To read further, follow the link to the full article:

Clarus Risk Develops Software-as-a-Service Platform for Regulatory Risk Reporting - MATLAB & Simulink (mathworks.com)